So, I have my very first ever new born shoot, I'm so excited and nerves I can hardly contain it! My friend Micky is having a baby boy, (she has not actually had him yet) but I'm trying to prepare as much as I can, I got a back board and some velvet back fabric and created my own studio for a whopping $9 bucks! gotta love
wal-mart. So I was testing it out, and trying to find the best places (and time of day) for light in my house. This was fun to do, but he us a pain sometimes, rolling over all the time, spitting up (on my new fabric!!!) and so
energetic!!! he does not do well at pretending to be a newborn, and it was a big realization to me that he is not one anymore, I love my sweet baby boy, but is is officially a baby not a newborn.